HUB: Public Sector Cyber Forum 2018
Thursday 20 September

As organisations adopt new technologies such as AI, IoT and Big Data, they will face new challenges in cyber security. This was the focus of UKAuthority’s Public Sector Cyber Forum on 20 September 2018, sponsored by Splunk and Mimecast. Download the event briefing paper and watch the overview video below, featuring delegates and speakers, to understand the key topics from the event and catch up with the speaker presentation videos from the day:
Speaker presentations
Cyber Security – is it a case of preparing for the inevitable?
Stephen Baker, Chief Executive, Suffolk Coastal & Waveney councils
(Presentation slides (2.5mb))
Cyber Security Policy in an Evolving Landscape
Rowena Schoo, Senior Policy & Comms Advisor - Cyber Security & Data Protection, DCMS
(Presentation slides (8mb))
The two sides of cyber resilience; how to protect your organisation from attack and how to protect yourself from human error
David Staunton, Product Marketing Manager, Customer Strategy, Mimecast
(Presentation slides (13.5mb))
Data at the core of cyber security across three councils
Morgan Rees, Infrastructure Delivery Manager, Surrey County Council/Orbis Partnership
Protecting the next generation from cyber attacks and ensuring schools can operate in all conditions
Michael Eva, Programme Manager, London Grid for Learning
(Presentation slides (18.5mb))
Cyber Security – Jisc’s New Approach
Steve Kennett, Security Director, Jisc
(Presentation slides (23mb))
Understanding the Ecosystem
Dr Madeline Carr, Associate Professor in International Relations and Cyber Security, University College London
(Presentation slides (12mb))
Delivering local multiagency cyber resilience – MHCLG cyber plans
Alice Reeves, Head of Resilience & Cyber Projects, MHCLG
James Young, Cyber Resilience Programme, MHCLG
(Presentation slides (1mb))
You can register below for our next cyber event, UKAuthority Cyber4Good, on 13 June 2019 in London.