Day One - Wednesday 22nd July

01:00: Smarter Cities Through Collaboration Nathan Pierce, Head of Smart London Team & Programme Director of Sharing Cities, Greater London Authority Nathan talks about five years on: Sharing Cities’ impact in London, Lisbon and Milan; green recovery and the transition to smarter energy systems; and commissioning smart technology at scale - London’s IoT framework. Watch the Day One video. Download the slides here

17:17: Smart City or Smart City? Marc Evans, VP of Client Solutions - Confirm, Precisely We’ve all heard of smart city projects from around the globe, some successful, some not so. We’ve read the magazine articles, blogs and visited their booths, but what makes a city truly smart? In this presentation Marc takes a look at how to build a foundation from which to become smart. A foundation grounded in data, one which provides the intelligence needed to identify where smart technology will work and most importantly, provide real value. Watch the Day One video. Download the slides here

35:49: Realising the potential of existing data & infrastructure to give meaningful insight Adam Jennison, ICT Principal Lead (Smart City), Hull City Council Adam looks at how Hull City Council is locating data in normally hidden in silo's or dedicated systems, the simple (and not so simple) methods for extracting the data, how we're processing some of it as well as the delivery of the data to create the insight that is required for decision makers and the public alike. Watch the Day One video. Download the slides here

59:09: Newcastle: A smart city response to Covid-19 Jenny Nelson, Digital Newcastle Programme Manager, Newcastle City Council How Newcastle has taken a data driven and collaborative approach to Covid-19 response and recovery (including intelligent matching of support for 2500 residents through Citylife Line and promoting safe reopening of the city centre through Watch the Day One video. Download the slides here
Q&A session
01:13:36 - Q&A session covering tips on achieving an overall smart place (1:13:54), access to assets (1:16:28), smart cities v place (1:21:30), and digital exclusion (1:24:44).
Day Two - Thursday 23rd July
00:45: Digital Connectivity and IoT Use Cases in a Smart Rural County Geoff Connell, Director of IMT & Chief Digital Officer, Norfolk County Council Geoff talks about the IoT infrastructure that’s now available across Norfolk and the ever growing library of use cases that are live or in development. Watch the Day Two video. Download the slides here.

19:35: Smart Cambridge update Dan Clarke, Strategy and Partnerships Manager, Greater Cambridge Partnership Dan will give an up-date on progress made since the 2019 smart place event and how the programme has responded to and been re-shaped by CV19. Watch the Day Two video. Download the slides here.
35:56: ADEPT Live Labs Project - Kent Carol Valentine, Highways Project Manager Live Labs, Kent County Council The Live Lab - a two-year project, started in June 2019, will embed SMART infrastructure in everyday highways service delivery in a meaningful way that communities can engage with and understand. Carol outlines the work done so far on the project and sets out the objectives of this intelligence-led approach to highways asset management data utilising intelligent analysis, both through software automation and expert big data analytics. Watch the Day Two video. Download the slides here.

50:05: Value in video footage for COVID recovery Balazs Csuvar, Head of Delivery, DG Cities Discussion about how video footage analysis can help with recovery after COVID-19. DG Cities is looking to undertake a project with the Royal Borough of Greenwich and technology partners to better understand where crowding usually happens to implement measures to counter it. Watch the Day Two video. Download the slides here.
Q&A session |
01:05:09 - Q&A session covering privacy and cctv footage (1:05:09), where the innovation is coming from (1:08:02), access to assets (1:16:28), traffic management innovation (1:11:25), RoIs and business cases (1:13:10). |
Day Three - Friday 24th July
00:55: Value in video footage for COVID recovery Ben Hawes, Associate, Connected Places Catapult How the pandemic could change what we want and need from smart places. Watch the Day Three video. Download the slides here

13:40: How Renfrewshire Council are using IOT to improve indoor environmental conditions within their homes David Stevenson, Housing Energy Officer, Renfrewshire Council A look at how Renfrewshire Council’s Housing Investment Team are installing IOT connected sensors into their housing stock to help reduce maintenance costs and improve residents quality of life, by ensuring that they live in healthier, more energy efficient homes. Watch the Day Three video. Download the slides here

26:10: Adopting a partnership approach to digital innovation ‘in a place like ours’ Mike Warr, Programme Manager, Essex + Herts Digital Innovation Zone Mike's presentation will cover the background to the establishing of the DIZ, the reasons for our cross-border ‘place based’ partnership approach and the challenges and opportunities such an approach has brought with it. It will also look back at some of the achievements of the DIZ to date and its outputs and consider how the DIZ enabled the partnership to come together to share best practice around responding to COVID-19 and start to get a forward looking perspective of what might be coming down the line in terms of the ‘new future’. Watch the Day Three video. Download the slides here

38:37: Underpinning smart infrastructure with data Andrew Waterworth, Director EMEA - Confirm Precisely Interview with Helen Olsen Bedford, UKAuthority publisher and host. Watch the interview here
Q&A session
53:10 - Q&A session covering the best innovations during the pandemic (53:42), cloud (55:57), service design and IoT (58:12), data sharing and standards (58:09), and computing (1:21:15).
Smart Places Gold Partner
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 Precisely is a global leader in data integrity, providing accuracy and consistency in data for 12,000 customers in more than 100 countries, including 90 per cent of the Fortune 100. Precisely enables companies to integrate, verify, location, and enrich their data to power better business decisions. Precisely's Confirm is the solution for smart infrastructure management. Confirm is designed to make smart simple, providing the foundation for understanding the relationships between people, places and assets, for the cities of tomorrow.
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