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Targeting AI to deliver for residents

Wednesday 26 March

11:00 - 12:00 via Teams Town Hall

Basildon zeros down on opportunities for AI-driven transformation

Basildon Council’s Resident Digital Transformation Strategy will embed digitalisation, data and AI into its very core in order to revolutionise how it delivers services to residents. Its focus is on using AI to make the council smarter, more efficient, and more responsive to the diverse needs of its community.

It recently harnessed an AI Readiness Readiness discovery- with Microsoft partner HSO - to uncover the key opportunities to make impact in its AI Trailblazer programme. Three key use cases are now rolling out:

  • Policy advisor (customer services) – an autonomous agent automatically providing advice, information and policy documents, taking customers to application forms
  • Policy advisor (HR, housing and customer services) – an AI agent for internal document and policy discovery to enable officers to process requests more efficiently
  • Citizen services (temporary accommodation) – an AI agent providing the right information at the right time, conducting basic prequalification, and helping officers process incoming requests more efficiently

Join us at 11:00 on 26th March to learn more about this ambitious programme to harness technology to do more with less – without compromising the quality of services.

On the panel:

Shanna Chandiwana - Basildon Council

Shanna Chandiwana
Assistant Director for Digital, Customer & Transformation
Basildon Council

Robin Denton - Microsoft

Robin Denton
Director of Local Public Services
Microsoft UK

David Little - HSO David Little
Managing Director
Helen Olse Bedford - UKAuthority

Helen Olsen Bedford
Publisher & Research Director


Who should attend?

Chief and Senior Digital Leaders and Officers working to transform public services, including but not limited to: Chiefs / Directors / Heads of Digital, Data and Technology aross Local Government, Central Government, the NHS, Police, Fire & Rescue, Housing, Universities and the Third Sector. Directors / Heads of Transformation, Customer Services, Social Care, Environment, Sustainability and Service Delivery.

Event partner


UKAuthority has full editorial control of this event thanks to support from our partner, HSO. By registering for this event you agree to the sharing of your name, organisation, job title and work email address with the UKAuthority editorial team and the partner organisation supporting this event. If you do not wish this information to be shared, please let us know by emailing:


Image source: iStock-sankai


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