Public sector procurement
Friday 22 October

The rapid evolution of technology, agile delivery and cloud infrastructure has led many suppliers to move to PAYG subscription services. But, are public sector finance, budget and procurement processes aligned with subscription based commercial models?
In this webcast, the panel discussed whether the traditional capex/opex split still works, how the public sector responds to changing approaches and should there be one framework agreement – and one price - for all the public sector from every supplier.
On the panel:
- Bobby Mulheir, Assistant Director: Customer Experience, Digital & ICT, Bracknell Forest Borough Council
- Owen Powell, ICT Director, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
- Nick Roberts, Head of Government & Public Sector, Rackspace Technology
- Geoff Connell, Director of IMT & Chief Digital Officer, Norfolk County Council
- Joseph Langford, Chief technologist public sector, VMware
- Helen Olsen Bedford, Publisher, UKAuthority
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