West Dunbartonshire Council has announced it is planning to develop more digital options for tenants to participate in its discussions on housing matters.
Its housing and communities committee has received a new participation strategy, Involving You to Improve Housing Services, which includes plans for more online meetings and developing other digital channels for individual tenants and groups.
These include supporting tenants’ and residents’ association in creating social media and websites to promote the work they do, exploring new methods of providing information and obtaining views, such as a tenants’ portal, and using the Mightynetworks platform to increase participation among young people.
West Dunbartonshire’s chief officer of housing and employability, Peter Barry, said: “We welcome this strategy as it sets out how we can continue to develop tenant participation while improving the housing services we provide.
“The council places great emphasis on the views of tenants and I want to thank all tenants who took part in the consultation for this new strategy. I am delighted that the strategy involves looking at more ways in which people can share their opinions and feedback, making it easier for tenants to make their voice heard.”
Other elements of the strategy include support for existing tenants’ groups and increased engagement with under-represented groups. An annual progress report will be submitted to the committee.