The Welsh Government has set out four priorities for a national Cyber Action Plan, aiming to grow the ecosystem, build a pipeline of talent, strengthen resilience and protect public services.
They have been laid out in a blogpost by Stephanie Ferry and Melerie Jones of the Cyber Co-ordination and Leadership Team, saying that it plans to follow up by identifying actions to achieve each of the priorities, with a more detailed plan to be published soon.
The aim of growing the cyber ecosystem is related to supporting the national economy by making Wales an attractive place to work in cyber, and will involve investments and partnerships with industry and academia.
Efforts to build a pipeline of cyber talent will underpin the delivery of other priorities and include offering people at any age the opportunities to retrain.
Prepared for attacks
Strengthening cyber resilience should ensure organisations have responsibility for ensuring their services and systems are prepared when faced with cyber attacks, partly through knowing where to get the right information, skills and support.
The desire to protect public services requires leaders having a responsibility to ensure their organisations are prepared for possible attacks and understanding the wider range of impacts.
“By collaborating across public sector and using our partnerships with industry we can be consistent in our approach and find new and innovative ways to better protect public services,” Ferry and Jones said.