The University of Dundee is planning to implement a new digital solution to control access to its buildings for staff and students.
It has signed to use HID Mobile Access and signature HID Signo readers throughout its city campus estate, enabling users to obtain access through RFID cards and smartphones.
Supplier HID said the project will involve installing new mobile-ready HID Signo readers at around 40 buildings – with a staged roll out over a two-year period by specialist security installer Scottish Communications Group.
In addition, the university has purchased 10,000 HID Mobile Access licenses to give its people the option to use their Apple and Android smartphones for touchless entry into its facilities.
The readers will be integrated with the university’s existing AEOS access control software from Nedap. They support native Bluetooth and near field communication (NFC) connectivity and use common protocols including the Open Supervised Device Protocol and Wiegand.
Existing access cards can be used with the new HID Signo readers, the company said.
Safe, secure and easy
Colin Stebbing, the university’s head of precinct services, commented: “We wanted a modern system which is safe, secure and easy for everyone to use.
“Complying with forthcoming legislation was also another important project requirement. With bills like Martyn’s Law soon to be enacted, ensuring the university is ready for this was important given that we have a duty to protect to ensure everyone is safe.
“The HID solution enables us to not only lock down buildings immediately, but it has built-in functionality which we can leverage over time, meaning we’ve invested in future proof equipment which will last us long term.”
Historically, the university has printed and issued plastic RFID cards to staff and students Shifting to HID Mobile Access – which utilises cloud based HID Origo management software integrating with the AEOS system – changes this and provides wireless credentialling.
The company said it should simplify all the licensing, allocation of credentials, setting of building access rights, validating or revoking of IDs.
Once registered by Student Services in AEOS, a student receives an email to their phone with a link they can tap on to download the app and obtain a mobile credential.