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UKA launches 'How Green is our Digital' report


Helen Olsen Bedford Publisher

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Environmental sustainability is a serious issue in public services - and success is going to depend heavily on how organisations buy and use their technology.

green digital report cover

Local and regional government are key players in the campaign, both in how they approach their own operations, and in their use of digital to develop strategies that lay the ground for a greener future in their communities.

Some pioneer organisatons have shown early ambition, while many others are aware of the need but still in the early stages of understanding how they can use digital to meet their own sustainability targets.

UKAuthority, with support from Microsoft, has produced a white paper exploring how local and regional authorities and their partners can deploy technology to make their operations greener - and in turn put this at the heart of their transformation and efficiency programmes.

’How Green is our Digital?’ prompted plenty of lively debate when it was launched this week at an event at the Microsoft Reactor London. It looks at the potential in several areas, including the environmental impact of mobile and flexible working tools and cloud services, initiatives for the re-use and recycling of digital products, the deployment of internet of things networks to create cleaner local environments, and the adoption of cutting edge data tools in decision-making in urban planning, transport and infrastructure investments.

All this is opening a great range of opportunities, and there is a lot to learn about how they can be fulfilled.

The report provides an ideal starting point, and an extra source of insights, for those on the journey to improve the sustainability of their organisations.

UKAuthority's report How Green is our Digital is available via:

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