The TALQ Consortium has made its smart city protocol freely available on GitHub.
It said this will allow software developers, project planners, consultants and city officials to benefit from the knowledge it has developed since its formation nine years ago.
TALQ – which consists of a number of industry organisations along with Swedish transport authorities and the Universiti degli studi Roma Tre – developed the protocol as a specification for information exchange, suitable for integration into software products and systems.
This is aimed at providing interoperability between central management software (CMS) and outdoor device networks (ODN) from different vendors and makes it possible for a single CMS to configure, control and monitor numerous smart city ODNs.
The TALQ OpenAPI definition provides developers with access to a set of tools for document and code generation, along with testing and other functions.
Rui Peixe, chair of the TALQ technical workgroup, said: “Personally, I believe that this is a very exciting time for the consortium as membership continues to grow, new TALQ certifications are confirmed nearly every month and TALQ branches further out into smart cities. We are confident that greater exposure of the standard will drive yet more progress in the industry.”
Image from iStock, ARTQU