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Survey shows barriers to transformation in NHS


Mark Say Managing Editor

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Image source: Baranych

NHS trusts in England are being held back from further and faster digital transformation of services by limited budgets, day-to-day pressures and inadequate IT infrastructure, a new survey by NHS Providers has shown.

The membership organisation for NHS service providers has published the results of its digital transformation survey, which received 185 responses from 134 unique trusts.

While it found that progress has been made in implementing advanced technologies, including electronic patient records, improving cyber security and enhancing staff skills, it also identified a number of significant barriers.

Findings include that funding and financial constraints are a barrier for 73% of trusts, and operational pressures are affecting clinical engagement, training and technology take-up at 50%.

In addition, 38% of trust leaders identified poor Wi-Fi, computers and other infrastructure problems as a barrier to progress; and only 54% are confident that their trust can meet minimum digital standards, including the implementation of an electronic patient record, by 2025.

Inconsistent engagement

NHS Providers said the key messages include that, while digital transformation is now seen a board issue, progress and board engagement is not consistent across the types of trust. It is particularly low among those focused on mental health and learning disabilities.

Organisations have made progress in their transformation in recent years, but further support is needed to meet the ambitions. This includes increased investment, a change in the funding model mechanisms for digital to enable sustained investment and central support on supplier relationships.

Other priorities include developing a comprehensive plan for the digital, data and technology (DDaT) workforce, an increased focus on cyber security, support in meeting minimum digital standards, and providing further clarity on the operating model for DDaT.

Publication of the survey has coincided with the relaunch of NHS Providers’ Digital Boards programme, which offers free, tailored support to NHS trust boards to harness digital opportunities for the benefit of patients and staff.

Outdated tech

Deputy chief executive Saffron Cordery said: "Far too often, outdated NHS technology adds to clinicians’ workloads instead of giving them more time for patients, and hinders rather than improves efficiency and productivity.

"Digital transformation has huge potential to give patients better access to their data, better access to care and to ensure that staff can get the reliable information they need to inform decision making and improve quality of care.

"The NHS is under huge strain and chronic under-investment in digital technology, particularly in community, mental health and social care systems, has left a worrying legacy. We need the Government to work with trusts and NHS leaders to remove barriers and to help the health service transform healthcare.

"Trust leaders are committed to making big digital and data advances and NHS Providers is supporting them to do just that through our newly relaunched Digital Boards programme."

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