Few would argue against the claim that there is a large digital skills gap in the public sector.
Many organisations have open vacancies and there is a sense of being under-equipped to grasp the possibilities of new technologies and innovations in data.
The traditional solutions have been in the expensive approach of consultancy support and looking for graduates to step into new roles. But this still makes it hard to fill many gaps and leaves the problem of retaining talent in a competitive market for skilled people.
There is an alternative approach in looking at the huge proportion of the population with the capability to be trained and become productive in key roles in a short time. There are plenty of places to find these people, some already inside the organisations that need their skills.
But this requires a granular understanding of the skills required, the people available and how to match their capabilities with individual job opening; and the capacity to train them at speed. There is also the need for a clear and rewarding career structure to keep them within the framework of working for the public good.
In doing this, it is important to appreciate that one size does not fit all: high quality training and career development depend on the personal profiles of individuals.
Assessing the details
UKAuthority, working with The Software Institute, has begun a research project aimed at assessing the details of the digital skills gap in the health and public sector and helping organisations to understand what approach they can take to fill their own requirements.
You can contribute to this, and hopefully strengthen your own understanding of the issue, by taking part in the survey. It will take only a few minutes and will help to cast light on one of the major issues in the modernisation of public services.
Thank you in advance for your time.
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