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Preventative healthcare e-learning resource released



Image source: elfh: All Our Health

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) have developed an e-learning tool to help health and social care workers improve the public’s health knowledge. 

The pair of government bodies worked with the Royal Society of Public Health as well as social care sector workers to develop the All Our Health e-learning tool. Users of the e-learning tool can access 10 areas ranging from mental health, infection prevention and ageing.

DHSC said in a statement: “The resource has been designed specifically for people working in adult social care settings, providing practical advice and suggestions on how you can imbed public health approaches to your role.”

It added: “We have tested the resource with those who work in adult social care, who have found it to be extremely helpful and say they would recommend it to their colleagues.”

Access to the e-learning tool is free.

The UK has over 1.7 million adult social care employees, and DHSC and OHIB believe this means a prevention first approach is a “huge” opportunity.

“Although many people are living longer, we know that there are far too many people who are living with conditions which could have been prevented in the first place,” they said.

The e-learning resource is available at:

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