Two Scottish local authorities are to use an app first deployed in Edinburgh to support the owners of shared properties in managing repairs.
Perth and Kinross and East Ayrshire Councils have announced plans to use the app jointly developed by City of Edinburgh Council and technology company Novoville.
Named Shared Repairs, it was launched in April of last year, it enables residents to communicate with each other in progressing repairs and maintenance of buildings they jointly own. Each resident has online access to the information in a closed group.
It also includes a listing of around 150 trusted traders.
City of Edinburgh Council said that it has so far been used for about £700,000 worth of repairs to buildings.
Taking control
Cllr Mandy Watt, finance and resources convenor, said: “The app helps people take greater control of the process. It’s very accessible and easy to use.
“The feedback I’m getting is that, without the app, some people say they wouldn’t have had the confidence to approach neighbours and get the repairs done, or the process would have taken a lot longer due to communication breakdowns and uncertainties about the correct course of action.”
Development of Shared Repairs was supported by the Scottish Government’s CivTech Accelerator programme.