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North Ayrshire Council launches app for care experienced young people

Teenage girl in dark with smartphone
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North Ayrshire Council has launched a mobile app for young people with experience of being in care.

Named CE4U (Care Experience for You), its aim is to provide a hub of information and advice on everyday topics including housing, travel, mental and physical health, recipes, job opportunities and entitlements.

It has been designed with input from young people through the council’s Champions Board meetings in secondary schools. These drop-ins provide a safe space for care experienced pupils to get advice, plan peer events and access scaffolding and support to help them succeed.

The launch is part of the Council’s wider Corporate Parenting Strategy to meet its statutory duties to keep The Promise Scotland’s care experienced community – in this case those living and studying in North Ayrshire.


Cllr Alan Hill, cabinet member for communities and islands, said: “We will continue to work closely with partner agencies, staff, carers and the care experienced community to ensure infants, children and young people across North Ayrshire have the extra support, love, time and positive relationships they need to help them fully realise their potential.

“The app has been developed as young people told us that they wanted an easy to access one-stop-shop where they could find out about the support available locally and entitlements, on-the-go and in their own time.”

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