The NI Cyber Security Centre has launched a new programme aimed at protecting young people while they are online.
Named the Cyber Champions Programme, it involves the provision of a resource pack to help teachers and leaders of youth clubs and uniformed groups explain key aspects of cyber security in an accessible way.
Joe Dolan, head of the NI Cyber Security Centre, which is part of Northern Ireland’s Department of Finance, explained: “The online world is part of every day for young people but it is important that we do all that we can to ensure they understand the importance of cyber security.
“From interactive games to designing posters and composing a rap on cyber security, the programme includes a wide range of resources and activities to help educate, inform and empower young people on good cyber security practices and tips, that they can do and share with family, friends and their wider community to better protect them from being victims of cyber attacks.
“It has also been designed to provide opportunities for young people to explore the ever growing and fast paced world of cyber security as a potential career pathway.”
The programme has been produced in partnership with the Consumer Council, the Police Service of Northern Ireland, and the Scamwise NI partnership as part of the Scamwise NI Champion initiative.
Image: Joe Dolan, head of the NI Cyber Security Centre and Detective Inspector Ally Burns from PSNI with representatives from NI Consumer Council, Girls' Brigade NI, Scouts NI and Reserve Forces and Cadets Association NI. From, Open Government Licence v3.0