An interactive map has been created showing information on publicly owned land in Scotland, as well as land managed by Scottish Crown Estate.
The Scottish Government has announced the availability of the Scottish Public and Crown Estate Land Map, saying it allows anyone to view the location and range of much of the public land in Scotland.
Users can click onto shaded areas to obtain information on individual land parcels, including its ownership and size.
The information has been brought together by Crown Estate Scotland and the four main landowning public bodies: Forestry and Land Scotland, NatureScot, Scottish Water and the Scottish Ministers Crofting and Farming Estate.
Public and Scottish Crown Estate managed land makes up 11% of Scotland – equivalent to around 857,000 hectares – making it an important national asset in tackling climate change and biodiversity loss.
Crucial resource
Ronan O’Hara, chief executive of Crown Estate Scotland, said: “Crown Estate Scotland’s land and assets – which are held in trust for the people of Scotland – represent both a crucial resource and a key part of the country’s natural landscape.
“Crown Estate Scotland wants these assets to be used for the long term benefit of the people of Scotland and we are delighted to be as open and transparent about those assets as possible. This is to make sure people know what is being held on their behalf and what we are doing to protect those assets for the long term.”