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National Highways extends Telent roadside telecoms contract

Digital signs over motorway
Image source: Breeze

National Highways has extended its contract with communications systems company Telent for the National Roads Telecommunication Service (NRTS2) for an extra year until March 2028.

It adds an extra £160 million to the value of the agreement, allowing for the delivery of existing and new services and taking the total to £659 million.

The agreement has been in place since 2017.

The NRTS2 operates and maintains the telecommunications services that link 30,000 roadside assets – signs, signals and cameras – around England with the seven regional control centres and the National Traffic Operations Centre. It also delivers new telecommunications service for regional motorway schemes.

The award notice says the extension has been granted to allow for additional services when there will not be time for a fresh award under the planned NRTS3 contract. The tender notice for this is expected to be issued next month.

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