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MoD reveals deal for analytics platform

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Image source: Studio

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has revealed that it signed an £8.6 million contract with Cognizant for work on its planned Defence Data Analytics Platform (DDAP).

The contract, which came into effect in June of last year but was only published this week, is due to run until the end of May this year, indicating a relatively short team deal. It was awarded through G-Cloud.

Although providing limited detail, the notice states that cloud based DDAP will be a “loosely coupled, secure and scalable common data platform”, and will provide MoD personnel and partners with access to data, analytics and modelling resources.

“Defence users will be enabled to gain insights and make decisions based on clean, available and interoperable data using world class data science and artificial intelligence capabilities,” it says.

The MoD’s Data Strategy for Defence, published in September 2021, includes a plan for a common data platform for defence organisations to access analytics, data science and AI capabilities, handling both core and non-core defence data.

In June of last year Cognizant agreed on a similar sized deal with the Department for Education for data science services.


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