Universities need to collaborate more on data models, implementing systems and building technology, according to a new report from Jisc.
The membership organisation that provides digital services for higher education has produced the report, Collaboration for a Sustainable Future, with consultancy KPMG.
It said it comes in response to the need for universities to develop new ways of working, including shared approaches to digital, data and technology, to secure long term financial sustainability.
According to analysis published earlier this year by the Office for Students, as many as 40% of higher education institutions are facing budget deficits.
A key finding of the Jisc report challenges the perception that greater inter-institutional collaboration around systems, data and skills would undermine the uniqueness of individual HE organisations. After engagement with university leaders and stakeholders in the UK and overseas, it identifies several common activities that could benefit from increased collaboration, allowing institutions to share resources effectively.
Five opportunities
The five key areas found to offer the greatest opportunities for collaboration are: greater central coordination around standards and data models; central provision of skills development in the digital and data spaces; shared approaches to the procurement, implementation and management of systems; sharing of whole systems; and co-building technology to support HE.
Among the recommendations are that universities should: agree an institutional position and make it known to the wider sector; engage with sector partners to convene coalitions of the willing, and act now while institutions still have the resources, capacity and autonomy to shape the solution.
Jisc said it is already taking relevant action, working with Universities UK (UUK) in line with its recently published Blueprint for change. It is also engaged with UUK's new efficiency and transformation taskforce to produce collaborative efficiencies and support the sector in adapting to new methods of operation and delivery.
Mechanism to catalyse
Liam Earney, managing director for higher education and research at Jisc said: “The conversation around data, digital or technological collaboration in HE is not new. In fact, in pockets it already exists.
“ As universities confront uncertainties around their future, this report serves as a mechanism to catalyse ongoing discussions in the sector, including those highlighted in the recent UUK Blueprint for change, and spur institutions and sector bodies to take action.
“One of the key themes that emerged throughout this report is that every institution, to a greater or lesser degree, faces the same challenges, wants the same outcomes for their students and staff, uses the same digital systems and technologies and regularly deals with the same providers. As a result, many of those we interviewed asked: why aren’t universities collaborating everywhere a common minimum standard is the key requirement?
“Change can be hard, but by aligning with willing institutions, and with the support of sector partners such as Jisc, there is growing momentum to act on the issues highlighted in this report to create a more sustainable future for UK HE.”