The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has published new advice to help housing associations, companies and landlords comply with data protection law.
As UK data protection regulator it said it has received a number of complaints from residents who have been failed by poor data protection practices from their housing organisation. Examples have included inaccurate record-keeping and necessary repairs being refused due to a misunderstanding about data sharing.
In response, the ICO has published a blogpost highlighting how data protection law can prevent harm in the housing sector.
It said this is aimed at helping housing organisations understand how they can improve their own practices.
Disclosure, framework, accuracy
Among the key points are that: personal data must only be disclosed when it is necessary and appropriate; data protection law provides a framework for responsible sharing; and keeping accurate records is important in preventing incidents.
Recommendations include practising good records management, prioritising staff training, being open about the use of residents’ personal data, appointing a data protection officer if required, and using the ICO’s data sharing resources.