Use of open source platform expected to ease integration with existing e-learning repository
Health Education England (HEE) has taken significant steps in the development of a new online source of learning resources.
It has said that work on the HEE Learning Solution is now moving into beta phase, following a satisfactory assessment of the alpha service.
It is developing the solution as a central online location for relevant resources and guidance – including video, audio and e-learning – that will be open to all health and social care staff.
The service is intended to replace eWIN, the NHS information network for workforce development and productivity, and to integrate with the e-Learning for Healthcare Hub.
It has been built on the Drupal open source platform, which should make it easy to export content from the e-learning repository.
According to a blogpost by Sarah Wood, associate delivery manager in the Department of Health, the team behind the work also expect it to support the rationalisation and consolidation of HEE websites.
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