The Greater London Authority (GLA) has signed IT consultancy CGI and elections technology company Smartmatic to provide an electronic solution for three elections taking place in May 2020.
It will be used for the elections for the mayor of London, 14 constituency assembly members and 11 London-wide assembly members, counting postal and in-person votes at three venues across London (Alexandra Palace, Excel and Olympia).
CGI’s e-counting solution, developed in partnership with Smartmatic, will assist with the scanning and processing of ballot papers and provide full auditability of results.
The company will also provide outreach and consultancy to key minority groups to encourage voter participation.
Mary Harpley, returning officer at the GLA, commented: “Having worked closely with Transport for London and representatives from the London boroughs to ensure a robust and transparent selection process, the GLA team is looking forward to working with CGI, Smartmatic and partners to deliver an effective and accurate e-count.”
CGI has previously delivered the electronic vote counting systems for the 2012 and 2017 Scottish local government elections. It said it will spend the next 12 months in a testing regime of the e-counting system.
Image: City Hall London