East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) NHS Trust has extended its contract with MLL Telecom for wide area network services for another three years.
They have reached an agreement valued at £1.7 million (£2.2 million with VAT), with an option for a one-year extension, prolonging an arrangement that began in 2017.
MLL will provide connectivity to 68 ambulance stations and two data centres. It plans to upgrade most of the stations to gigabit circuit bearers and to refresh edge site routers to provide a software defined WAN capability.
EMAS has reviewed its firewall platform and aligned it with the edge site to increase capacity and support its technical roadmap. It has a principle design strategy of aiming for flexible, ‘cloud first’, application aware networking.
Steve Bowyer, chief digital officer for EMAS, said: “As part of our strategic intent to improve our overall wide area network design and connectivity, this renewed contract provides an ideal opportunity for EMAS and MLL to continue to work together to not only improve connectivity to many of our ambulance stations, but also to explore innovation opportunities that will support our staff and ultimately help EMAS to deliver better patient care.”