Sunderland’s digital transformation of waste services has delivered a significant digital channel shift and change in user behaviour – from just 14 per cent of transactions online in financial year 2016/17 to 55 per cent in 2018. It has reduced missed bin reports by 7,000 and delivered £136,355 in savings, well on the way to meeting the project’s 2020 target of £200,000 in savings and 60 per cent online transactions.
Read the LGA's digital channel shift programme case study here <link to be added> and listen to the project team's stories below:
Helen Johnston, Customer Service Delivery Manager, Sunderland City Council:
Councillor Paul Stewart, Cabinet Secretary with responsibility for Customer Service and ICT and Councillor Amy Wilson, Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, Sunderland City Council:
Carol Thirlwell, Customer Service Development Officer, Sunderland City Council:
Gary Williamson, Customer Service Lead Manager, Sunderland City Council: