Image source: Charity Commission
The Charity Commission is planning to be more proactive in its use of data, improve its digital services and make information easier to find on its public register.
It has highlighted the plans within a broad ambition to embrace technological innovation and strengthen its use of data, one of five priorities within its newly published strategy for the next five years.
The document says the organisation will review the amount of data it collects and look at how it organised and used, including the possibility of sharing it more widely. This will come with introducing more precise classifications of the kinds of charity it regulates.
It outlines for four specific plans, including to improve digital services to provide straightforward routine interactions such as filing accounts and registration, and evolving the public register to make information about charities easier to find.
These will be accompanied by understanding how to maximise the benefits of new technology and strengthening the commission’s ability to use data more proactively. The latter will involve building on the themes of open data, data curation and stewardship, working in partnership with others where required.
Following a path
Announcing the launch of the strategy, Charity Commission chair Orlando Fraser said: “We will embrace technological innovation and strengthen how we use our data.
“This priority will come as no surprise, as it follows a path the commission has been treading for some time now.
“We want to ensure that charities can use digital technologies in providing us the information we need to regulate effectively – thus making their experience of doing so smoother and more efficient. In turn we must work to ensure trustees can find easily what they need from us.
“As part of this commitment, we will work to evolve our public register, so that information about charities is easy to find, transparent and helps the public to make informed choices about charity.”
The other broad priorities within the strategy are to: be fair and proportionate in its role; help charities to do things correctly but take robust action when it sees wrongdoing and harm; speak with authority and credibility; and develop its expertise so its people can deliver excellence in regulation.