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CDDO highlights desire for more digital skills training in Civil Service


Mark Say Managing Editor

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The Central Digital and Data Office (CDDO) has flagged up a desire among civil servants to receive more training in digital skills.

Its chief executive Megan Lee has emphasised the point in response to a survey report by Google Cloud that showed over 75% of respondents would like to receive more training.

Writing in a blogpost, she said this reflects commitments made by CDDO, including to upskill at least 90% of senior civil servants on digital and data essentials, supported by the launch of digital Data and Technology Essentials set of capabilities as a standard for all of them to reach.

It has also set a target for 90% of digital, data and technology (DDaT) professionals to undertake training at least once a year, and to align role definitions to the DDaT Profession Capability Framework.

Lee also highlighted initiatives launched since the summer to work with the Government Recruitment Service to reduce the time to hire for relevant posts, begin onboarding remaining departments to use the DDaT framework, and host the Autumn of Digital Learning programme primarily for senior leaders.

Capturing imagination

“Digital teams across government have captured the imagination of colleagues, government leaders, ministers and the public by demonstrating what’s possible when we use digital ways of working to stand up efficient services quickly, using rich insights to inform and evaluate policy and deploying emerging tech to make experiences more effective,” she said.

“This momentum for transformation presents an opportunity for us to rise to meet both citizen’s expectations, and the civil service’s appetite for digital.”

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