Image source: ni.gov.uk, Open Government Licence v3.0
Northern Ireland’s Bereavement Network has revealed plans to launch an online centralised hub with information and resources for those who have been bereaved.
It has been supported in the project by the province’s Department of Health (DoH) and a range of health and social care stakeholders.
The website is set to launch later this year and will include pre-bereavement support and a section on care staff support and training.
Peter May, permanent secretary of the DoH, said: “The development of the new website will provide a central point for those who are bereaved and need some additional support. It will provide early signposting to help people get the services they need, and the information will be in a range of formats to make it as accessible as possible.
“We know that with the right support at the right time we can make that difficult journey to recovery more achievable.”
Origins in Covid-19
The website has been developed as one of the recommendations from the DoH’s workstream on Covid-19 bereavement care.
Chair of the NI Bereavement Network, Patricia Donnelly said: “We recognise that there has been a lot of good work in this space and there are numerous bereavement resources and psycho-educational materials developed by different organisations and groups. This new website will bring all those valuable resources together in one place for the benefit of both the general public and professionals.”