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Government Cyber Security Advisory Board membership opens



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Application for board members of the Government Cyber Security Advisory Board opened on May 20, 2022, with all submissions being required to be in place by June 6, 2022. 

Launched in January 2022, the Government Cyber Security Strategy aims to ensure all core government areas of operation are resilient to cyber attacks. There are two core pillars of the strategy, the building of a strong foundation of cyber security resilience and the adoption of the National Cyber Security Centre Assessment Framework (CAF) with the ability of the government to share capabilities, data and expertise.

Application to join the advisory board of the Government Cyber Security Advisory Board opened on May 20 with an invitation for Expressions of Interest opened to industry and academic experts. The advisory board is closely based on the External Challenge Panel used in the development of the Government Cyber Security Strategy.

In a statement, the Cabinet Office said the advisory board will “be a body comprised of independent external experts to build better links between government, the private sector and academia.” Adding that the independent perspective from academia and industry will provide the government with best practice through analysis and solutions

It will provide independent perspectives and input from experts across industry and academia on the cyber security threat, best practices and technologies to fight cyber attack.

Applications from organisations were not part of the invitation process, the Cabinet Office said, adding: “although we welcome candidates who can leverage the knowledge and experience that comes from their organisations themselves”.

“Candidates must have specific cyber security professional expertise, competence or knowledge,” the Cabinet Office said, adding applicants need expertise in: cyber security strategy, standards and assurance; governance, risk and management; programme delivery; cyber detection and response, technology, as well as cyber skills and culture.

Applicants are told that the advisory board is tasked with ensuring the entire UK public sector is resilient to known attack methods and vulnerabilities by 2030 and undergoes long term improvements in government cyber security through access to advice and expertise. The advisory board aims to bring expertise from multiple fields, which will improve cyber security policy making, identify the systems the government needs to achieve the Government Cyber Security Strategy, and that the government has access to and uses industry expertise.

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